Where Does A Journey Start?
Hello! Here's my first blog post and I am wondering where to start. I'm very glad to be a student on Dave Nicholson's course, because it offers what I need - a course of weekly tasks with video instruction to get me over the technical bits, which I find great as the computer is so visual. My journey started over two years ago with a desire to work from home, slowly finding out the options and the people to watch. I was daunted by all the skills I needed to put together; excited by the possibilities.
This is a new phase for me; I've realised I need some assistance and contact with people and that working it all out for myself is not for me. Some people can do it, but I need some instruction and some feedback. At first, I was not keen on writing a blog - I don't mind writing, but what was I going to write about?
A blog is simply another way to communicate, so I will try to write the things that I like in a blog - useful information when I have it, inspiration and most of all a story. I find that I gain from hearing what other people are doing, not just because I learn tips but because I think to myself "Here's a human being not that different to me doing this thing, so I can do it too".
Here's to finding and fitting together the pieces of the jigsaw and earning an online income!
June 19th, 2010 - 21:43
Hi Anne,
Get your blog up and running. As a fellow DN Student I would advise you to get a custom graphic as well, as it will make your blog look even better.
July 4th, 2010 - 16:25
Hi Steven,
Thanks for your kind comment! It’s a bit daunting to start writing about yourself, I think I’ll start with something useful. I’m still wrestling with plug-ins here, and need to go and put some potatoes in the oven. Multi-tasking. LOL!
July 8th, 2010 - 21:13
Hi Anne
How very kind of you to comment – suffice to say I have had a bit of catching up to do! – but I couldn’t believe when I tapped into my site that there were people sitting there wishing me well – it was very touching. Will be in touch again ~Gianna~
July 9th, 2010 - 00:40
It’s Rene from Dave Nicholson’s Coaching group.
I am thinking about setting up a special blog for all of us who are involved with Dave’s coaching.
It would be a place where we can all talk about the course, share ideas, and maybe turn it into a
big testimonial blog for Dave’s potential future students to view.
It would be a big “authentic” review blog.
I don’t know how you feel about it, but every time I try to get actual reviews for products on line,
I instead get a lot of affiliates trying to recommend something they have never even tried.
Let me know what you think. I am sending this out to all of Dave’s students.
This blog can be a place where everyone can have their advertisements. Everyone can link back to their site.
We can help each other along. We can be one big group of JV’s for each other.
Hey, all of the big name Gurus do it…… why can’t we little people?
This is just a thought, but If we all put our heads together and help each other out,
give each other real advice and share ideas; we could all be one big success story. Like a big support group.
I would like to grab a name for our group blog by the end of the weekend. Then we can capture it and start posting.
All I ask is that everyone sends their posts ready to be put on the site.
I don’t mind doing the hosting (unless someone else wants to do it).
This will be OUR blog. Everything that goes on there is everyone’s responsibility.’ That includes the layout, The header, EVERYTHING.
So…….. Let me know if you are in.
If we all put in a name for the blog, we can do one big vote and get the ball rolling.
Let me know what you think.
July 14th, 2010 - 19:14
Hi Rene, great blog you have there. I think I must shelve my soap-making ideas for now, but one day… I’ll know where to find the information now! I was put off by the cure times – no good making soap for Christmas if it turns out bad and you’ve no time to make more.
Your content is good to read and useful. Thanks for getting in touch.
August 10th, 2010 - 11:09
Hi Anne,
I detect you don’t feel comfortable writing about yourself. I agree it is a bit of a weird thing to do at first.
However, I would encourage you to write about what you are thinking or doing for a few posts to get you into the flow. The great thing in the early days is that not many people are reading our blogs – only Dave’s students and we only want to encourage each other. After 4 or 5 you’ll start to flow.
Good luck